Time to introspect, or is it called retrospect? Anyways, I leave that to the english gurus. ( I am a bit poor in english as you can see)
Intospect means to reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
Retrospect means to look or refer back to; to reflect on
Let's call it in-retrospect shall we
or maybe re-introspect .
Last week was pretty eventful, it saw Mr. Bush bid farewell to
Btw, our cricket team was on a high last week too.
Last week also saw me turn 21
(Yes, 21 yrs. To all my friends who missed it,
A big……
Four of my friends did wish me though, and I am glad that there were only four. Makes me feel younger)
I get a lecture from my mom saying,
"Ab badhe ho gaye, samaghdaari aajana,
You must be more responsible, ...........
I don't know why, but there is a notion that each birthday is like a milestone you’ve crossed. So, one feels compelled to look back on his life and assess it, as if it was an income tax return. And unless you are someone like Nadal, who won Grand Slams in his teens, or Prince William, who doesn’t need to win anything and, you feel compelled to pose yourself questions such as: what have I achieved in life. And of all the days in your life, it is on your birthday that you are supposed to be having the ‘maximum’ fun.
Well, I did look back in life, Realised that I have only spent my life studying to pass some exams, (underline studying to pass )
I picked up a piece of paper, a pencil. and decided to figure out, how much time I did devote to perhaps the only seemingly meaningful activity, i.e. Study.
I plotted a graph, (avg. hours of study vs stages of life) and it didnt really turn out pretty.
Here's how it was..
(Click to enlarge)

Turns out, I haven't spent time studying at all. Perhaps, my tenure at Narayana Jr Coll is a face save, but thats all there is to show.
Life at Saudi was bliss, I am sure nobody is as lucky as I have been, in spending a childhood the way I have.
Maybe TV, orkut, computer games would make up a major chunk.
(Note:- I didn't mention top 10 cos I am modest, though I very well know I will be in the top 10)
Perhaps, an e.g. of my world will make things clearer.
The wall calendar in my room shows January 2008. I have been too lazy to even flip it, once a month. And the only reason why it shows 2008, is because my brother bought a new one and put it up a year ago. I trust he will do the same, in 2009 too.
I was to attempt (ATTEMPT) an exam called GATE, it starts at 10:00 am and my center was quite far, I woke up at 9:30, looked at the alarm clock, then at the wall clock and then went back to sleep,
another e.g. would be what happened just yesterday for SNAP, reporting time was 1:30, and I was at McDonalds having lunch till 1:40, not to mention I didnt carry a pen to mark the answers with.
I could quote dozens of other such examples, but keeping in line with my humble nature I shall not.
Now, coming back to my re-introspection or was it in-retrospection, whatver
So. I am ready for things to change.
I am ready for my life to shift from a bed of roses to
a bed of lilies, tulips, violets, etc.
I am 21 years old, and I still have no idea what I want to do. I am not talking about long term goals, being pretty shortsighted I never think that far. I don't even know what I will do or want to do 6 months from now. Most of my peers are pretty clear on what they want to do after graduation, and what they want to become. They know their interests and are ready to pursue them, even my juniors are oncourse, I on the otherhand have no idea about my interests, neither am I making an effort to know them. So, far I have just been moving with the flow of the stream of life, never making an effort to swim sideways, let alone against the current.
I might have crossed all limits of callousness, which any creature on the planet was set with.
I realize it's now time to change, if I were in Swaziland or Zimbabwe it would have meant that I have exhausted 2/3 rd of my life. Pretty scary!!
It does seem a long journey though, from weighing 800 grams, 21 years ago, to 65 kg now. That is 81.25 times in 21 years, or an increase by 8025%.
I fear I might become a dharti pe bhoj like the already 6 billion others
No, I don't mean to sound that I am overweight ( joke) ; it's just that I wonder if I have only grown in size but not any wise.
Now, to rescue my future, I will be coming up with a bailout plan, have a few rough ideas to include, I might post the entire plan as soon as I make it.
1)It would include, a cut on my time spent infront of screens, i.e. onscreen and offscreen, Oops!, no I mean infront of the tv screen and monitor screen.
2)That would mean a cut in orkutting, chatting, pretending to be busy.
3) A cut in daydreaming, I dream during the day more than anyone might at night, all my castles, palaces, in the air would put royals like the Sultan of Brunei to shame.
Now, everyone believes 18 years is the most eventful, since one gets to vote, drive, open a bank account and all.
Here are what conditions I have to fill if I am to get married, according to the Home Ministry
2) My mom says, for me to get married it's not me who will choose a girl, but the girl will have to choose me.
3) My elder bro says "Tum kidhar, pehle meri to hone do".
Now, according to my plans, points 1 and 3 should be taken care of in 3-4 years.
The only problem seems to be point 2????
Now, I will go back to what I do best, orkutting, chatting.
Oh! well, just a little won't hurt.
The resolutions can wait another day
another birthday...
1)" a cut on my time spent infront of screens" [ I bet u never gonna do that..I rephrase your line as " I will try to be a worse vegetable"]
2)"pretending to be busy"- I thought I had a copyright over it :P.
regarding the cuts,
well, I did say, they can wait another birthday :)
ur 2nd statement is true no doubt (atleast in terms of gtalk)
IF you say ur lazy, then I'm much much more lazy compared to u and I"m not even thinking of changing.
and regarding the second point in the conditions to get married.. who knows?? maybe thats already done.. ;)
anyways, belated happy birthday..
when's ur birthday, by the way??
Belated Happy birthday bro :P & dun b too excited about marriage :D
@Faheem bhai,
You are lazier than me? what year does your calendar show? ;)
and thank you, your second point made me happy
@ Moin bhai,
Aapki to warning dikhri bhai,
theek hai, theek hai aap pehle karlo shaadi :)
it's not gonna be difficult to get a girl to pick a gem like you... so seedha saadha... sooo bhola bhaala... only vice is laziness... and take my word for it, girls are used to lumps of men ;)
And I thought I was good at sarcasm :)
ahmed bhai.. matrimonial site banadiye tum to... waise u mentioned snap... u might as well have spoken about the kinda marks ur getting even after being lazy... dat will put any doubts to rest.. you are poor at english???? dats the joke of the year..... and just so that u feel good.. i dont have a calender in my room.. dint feel like puttin it up... and sorry bro? happy birthday
**matrimonial site?
Itne badhe post mein, ek jagah mention kara mein, ab December to shaadi ka season hai na :)
meri profile bhi nahi fill kara mein to matrimonial kaisa hui?
**kinda marks ur getting even after being lazy..**
kyun taang kheechre gareeb ki? GA ke likhu marks?
December 29, 2008 5:35 AM
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