Fusion, on the other hand, is the combination of two nuclei into one nucleus, under conditions of extreme heat and pressure.
Divide and Rule has always been a policy with disastrous consequences, for the victim state.
Afghanistan was split into the Northern Alliance and the Taliban resulting in endless wars between the two.
In India, one Maharaja was made to fight against the other. The British supported one ruler, promised to share the spoils with him, if they together defeated the other. Often, resulting in the destruction of both kingdoms.
After the World War, the Ottoman Empire was split into dozens of smaller states, resulting in the littered Middle East.
In Palestine too, parties were split into the Fatah and the Hamas. Even after Hamas won the elections, the US invalidated the win, causing chaos. The US supplied aid to Fatah, and made sure the two struggle for leadership. Without a proper leadership, the Palestinians would never be able to regain their lost land.
In the 1980's when Iran and Iraq had the largest armies in the region, the US supported Iraq against Iran, resulting in destruction of both countries. No, more might in the middle east.
There are dozens of other examples...
Interestingly, in 1954 in order to curb the rising friendly relations between the US and Egypt, Israeli military intelligence planted bombs in Egyptian, American and British-owned targets in Egypt in the summer of 1954 in the hopes that "the Muslim Brotherhood, would be blamed and would trigger hostilities between the US and Egypt.
The hostage situation in Mumbai last week was no different. By, squarely blaming Pakistan, we are only honoring the terrorists, this is what they wanted. They wanted instability in South Asia, wanted to bring down India, curb it's relationship with Pakistan. To complicate matters, a group known as Deccan Mujahideen surfaces from nowhere. This was done by the terrorists so as to divide India further, by making it look as if the culprits were from India's heart itself.
Our media now hypes it as India's 9/11. Now, they show footage of Indians asking for war. It's strange, since I distinctly recall, 7 years ago the US media showed Americans asking for war.
Haven't we learned from the past. America the superpower went to war against, Afghanistan a country in stone age and is facing the consequences. If we are to go to war against Pakistan, a country almost equal in military might to us, what will the result be? When the Americans are regretting their going to war, why is the media showing Indians saying we want to go to war? Would going for a war, subside the terrorist attacks in our country or would it increase hatred against us? The west is only reaping the seeds of hatred it had sown.
Perhaps it was in a state of anger and frustration which is understandable. But, we better not do anything foolhardy, the media needs to play a mature role, instead of going to the victim's families and asking
" Your son is dead, How do you feel? "
How would he feel, he will say "Go to War." And the media portrays this.
The extremists wanted us to go for war. By doing so, we would be honoring the deaths of the terrorists, instead of honoring our martyrs.
We should follow the Russian line, which had it's own 9/11 a few months ago. It prevented any escalating tensions with the US and followed a mature line, which was praised by many neutral observers.
When one prays to God for courage, does God give him courage or the opportunity to be courageous. When one prays to God for patience, does God give him patience or the opportunity to be patient. When one prays to God for peace, does God give him peace or the opportunity to have peace.
This is our opportunity.
As the Muslim World, next week remembers Prophet Ibrahim(PBUH), who was ready to offer his son as a sacrifice for God, Let us also remember the brave soldiers and martyrs who sacrificed themselves for our country.
If 10 youth can unite and shake the county, can not we, the 1 billion unite and show the world.
"Yes, we can."
So, everyday when a morning dawns upon you, be reminded by the sun, that all of it's useful energy and might comes from the process of unity occurring within it under extreme conditions of pressure.
In these conditions of pressure and darkness, let us all stand united.
Truly, in Nature, God has kept signs for us to learn from.
(well, I am sorry tht it's as long as an editorial. if u got this far do put in your comments)
i totally agree with you on the idea of unite, to win.. there's really no other way, to get rid of terrorism from the world. war
is not the way to go... i wish the politicians would understand that, and decide to wage a war against the culprits. first
find who they are, and then do something. there's no point of subjecting an entire country to a massacre. there are innocents
even there. stop thinking that if 10 people are bad, the whole country is bad. this is nothing but a case of "ek gandi macchli
saare taalab ko ganda kar deti hai", lekin please understand, us taalab mein koi macchliyaan bhi hain, jo bas kismat ki maari hain, that they got stuck in pakistan. we have been taught never to hurt the innocent, but also never to keep our mouths shut
and tolerate evil. all i'd say is that before waging a war, find the right people. only then it makes some sense. otherwise, there's no difference between us and them.
as usual AI, nice post, like your analogies to nature :)
For a second, I though I had actually entered your blog page, when I clicked on comments. That's a huge comment.
Thank you for your time
No question of disapproval on this viewpoint. War has never been the solution to any problem. Wonderful post bhai.. keep it up..
Thank you Faheem bhai
Grt post bhai revisited science & social taught during school time :D
On terror,instead of blaming one another all the Asian countries should unite & remove this unsocial elements from society :X
Social Aur science ko side Mein rakho (I wonder if that was sarcasm from your side)
And first our politicians should be united, then the people. Only then can we reach out to other countries
Evrytym we blame Politicians for all this & say they r responsible for this & they shud b united or corrected first :P Its not just politicians,Its in each & evry department that countries shud support each other to fyt terrorism.
awesome post bro.. and u asked why does the media show people demanding war with pakistan? bcoz they want to sell their shows... its really sick that in a fast developing economy like ours we have news channels who have become business minded to the extent of playing with peoples emotions... in normal days (days where there are no terrorist bombings or political rallies) we have to scan through the so called news channels to actually find some news.. most of them when they dont have anything worth showing will go back to where is dawood ibrahim (showing the same clips they showed 2 years (thats since ive noticed) and claiming that they are new) or who fell in which well or which actress has a cold or a cold war or the age old sting operations...
the race for TRPs has begun to influence tv channels too...
yes, it is a sad state of affairs. And, every channel has the headline in RED, BREAKING NEWS; which is 12 hours old. How, is it still breaking news, and the usual thing, 'Bought to you exclusively by xyz news'; where as it will be on every channel. Honestly, I stopped watching the news these days
hello ahmed bhai... Nice post man... though i dont agree with some of the points mentioned, on the whole it was very much portraying the true facts...
Going out of the unity thing and considering who is responsible for this intolerable incidence... its very clear from the proof available and points out to our neighbors... rather than saying war leads to destruction of both the parties involved in it, I say that in this case war will be a solution...When i use the word war i want the war to be righteous...
unless the accused go on to punish the perpetrators with solidarity india will not be left with any other option...we cannot wait for more incidents and then think of war...
I do agree that war should be with resolve and target only the places which are believed to be the stock houses of the extremists...
I only hope the true facts come out and we will be able to stop these extremists with our unity and peace processes...
Thank u ahmed ji for ur amazing posts...man i loved the CAT blog...wish i had written it :)...
Thank you vinay for your comments.
I was hoping people would air different views on the topic
anyway, I hope we dont do anything brash like the US did. The war only made things worse for them
@vinay, keep checking for new posts here :)
as u mentioned 'when 10 youth can shake the country,, why cant a billion shake da world'.....dis was great bhai...., infact war has never been a solution...
as i remember the panchatantra story "united we stand, divided we fall"
its too gud bhai....lets all pray and take an oath that we unite among ourselves n fight against terrorism
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